Kajian dilaksanakan di Desa Debowae, Waeapo, Kabupaten Buru MT 2011 untuk mengetahui pengaruh pupuk organik terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil padi lahan sub-optimal. Luas yang digunakan satu ha. Perlakuannya adalah penggunaan pupuk organik sapi. Perlakuan diulang tiga kali. Takaran pupuk organik tiga ton per ha.Varietas digunakan adalah padi Inpara I dan lndragiri, dari Balai Besar Padi Sukamandi. Budidaya dengan teknologi model Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu (PTT). Pupuk anorganik 300 kg NPK Phonska, dan 200 kg urea, setengah bagian urea diberikan bersamaan seluruh NPK Phonska umur tujuh hst dan sisa urea diberikan umur 24 hst dan 38 hst. Parameter yang diukur adalah sifat fisik dan kimia tanah, komponen pertumbuhan, dan hasil tanaman. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata produktivitas padi dengan pupuk organik dikombinasikan pupuk anorganik dan pemakaian varietas adaptif adalah Indragiri (7,61) t ha-l dan varietas Inpara 1 (7,48) t ha-1 secara statistik menunjukkan perbedaan nyata. Sementara hasil petani rata-rata 2,6 t ha-1 ha ditanam secara tanam benih langsung dan (2,9) t ha-l ha yang ditanam secara tanam pindah dari persemaian. Oleh: Wahid dan Sirappa Marthen Passang (Balai Pengkajian TeknoJogi Pertanian Maluku (Indonesia)) . AGROS (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pertanian (Science Journal Of Agricultural Science)) tahun 2013, Vol. 15(1) p. 230-237.

Kajian multilokasi beberapa galur kacang tanah bertujuan mendapatkan dua hingga tiga galur harapan (produktivitas lebih dari tiga ton per ha,. toleran kekeringan Deret Hari Kering lebih dari 15 persen) dan adaptif pada agroekosistem lahan kering Maluku. Lokasi: Iahan kering Desa Makariki, Maluku Tengah, 2010. Rancangan: Rancangan Acak Kelompok tiga ulangan. sepuIuh galur dan dua varietas kacang tanah yang ditanam: 8-4, 8-5, 8-8, 8-9, 8-10, 8-11, 8-15, 8-16, 8-19, 8-20, dan dua varietas pembanding,VUB singa dan Lokal Merah,36 petak percobaan. Luas petak 2,5 m x 3,5 m, jarak 40 cm x 15 cm, satu tanaman per lubang. Parameter: jumlah tanaman dipanen, 50 persen berbunga, tinggi tanaman saat panen, jumlah polong per tanaman, bobot polong basah per tanaman, bobot polong kering per tanaman, bobot polong kering per petak, bobot 100 biji, bobot biji kering. Hasil: semua galur harapan memiliki tanggapan berbeda terhadap kondisi lahan kering tempat tumbuhnya, varietas unggul singa berbobot polong basah, polong kering, dan bobot biji kering lebih tinggi di uji adaptasi Makariki, galur S-4 berbobot polong basah dibobot polong kering lebih tinggi, sedangkan galur S-5, S-11,. dan S-15 bobot biji kering lebih tinggi, namun tidak berbeda nyata dengan galur lain kecuali galur S-16 dan Lokal Merah·. Semua galur harapan kacang tanah yang ditanam di lahan kering Maluku Tengah dapat tumbuh dan beradaptasi dengan baik, ditunjukkan oleh berat 100 biji semua galur yang melebihi 35 g. Oleh: Kaihatu Sheni Sandra dan Pesireron Marietje (Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Maluku (Indonesia).  AGROS (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pertanian (Science Journal Of Agricultural Science)), tahun 2013, Vol. 15(1) p. 214-221

Penyebab utama rendahnya produktivitas padi di Maluku adalah tidak tersedianya varietas unggul spesifik lokasi. Untuk itu, perlu dikaji penggunaan varietas unggul baru yang adaptif di Seram Bagian Timur (SBT), Maluku dengan produktivitas tinggi, baik kualitas maupun kuantitas dan sesuai preferensi konsumen dalam mendukung ketahanan pangan Maluku telah dilakukan kajian adaptasi beberapa varietas unggul baru padi sawah irigasi desa Jakarta Baru, SBT tahun 2011 untuk mendapatkan dua hingga tiga varietas unggul berproduksi tinggi Rancangan Acak Kelompok digunakan dengan tiga ulangan dan lima perlakuan (Conde, Cibogo, Inpari 3, Inpari 6, dan Inpari 13). Sistem tanam yang digunakan adalah model legowo 4:1 dengan jarak tanam (20 cm x 10 cm) x 40 cm. Parameter yang diamati: tinggi tanaman saat menjelang panen, jumlah anakan produktif/rumpun, panjang malai Jumlah bulir per/malai, berat gabah total (g)/rumpun, dan hasil gabah kering panen per ha (ton per ha). Hasil: dari lima varietas unggul yang diuji, Inpari 13 memperlihatkan hasil lebih tinggi, berbeda nyata dengan varietas lainnya, varietas Conde. Dan daya hasilnya, kedua varietas (Inpari 13 dan Conde) berpeluang untuk dikembangkan di Kabupaten Seram Bagian Timur untuk mendukung ketahanan pangan wilayah Maluku. Oleh: Wahid; Rivaie Arivin A; Nurdin Maryam. (Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Maluku (Indonesia)). AGROS (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pertanian (Science Journal Of Agricultural Science)), tahun 2013. Vol. 15(1) p. 160-165

Ultisols merupakan tanah yang terbentuk pada lingkungan pencucian basa-basa  intensif, reaksi tanah masam, dengan drainase tanah yang relatif baik sehmgga menyebabkan pH tanah masam dan meningkatkan kadar Al/Fe bebas, sehingga memperbesar bahaya toksisitas Al/Fe dan fiksasi fosfat. Penggenangan Ultisols untuk budidaya padi sawah dapat mengubah kesetimbangan perilaku muatan permukaan mineral-mineral tanah penyusunnya, terutama dalam hubungan dengan reaktivitasnya terhadap anion fosfat. Dari berbagai hasil penelitian, terbukti bahwa penggenangan Ultisols menyebabkan perubahan nilai potensial redoks (Eh) menjadi lebih kecil dan pH tanah mendekati netral, sehingga berdampak pada berubahnya kesetimbangan perilaku hara terutama AI, Fe, Mn; N, P, K, S, Zn, Cu,dan Si. Penggenangan dapat meningkatkan ketersediaan P dalam larutan tanah, akibat menutunnya fotensial redoks (Eh), meningkatnya pH tanah dan menurunnya reaktivitas gugus alummo dan ferol dari permukaan mineral Kaolinit, Gibsit, dan Goetit terhadap anion fosfat. Pemahaman mengenai nasib kimia permukaan Ultisols yang disawahkan ditinjau dari aspek mineralogi, karakteristik muatan permukaan, dan kesetimbangan kimia dalam larutan tanah .dapat dijadikan dasar dalam pengelolaan hara, terutama dalam rangka peningkatan efisiensi dan efektifitas pemupukan fosfat. Oleh: Susanto Andriko Noto (Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Maluku (Indonesia)). AGROS (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pertanian (Science Journal Of Agricultural Science)). Tahun 2013, v. 15(1) p. 62-81

Kegiatan dilaksanakan Juli sampai Oktober2009, berupa rancangan acak kelompok, tiga ulangan. Tujuan: mengetahui respon tiga varietas jagung pada lahan kering. Petak kajian 15 m x 16 m, jarak 75 cm x 40 cm, dua tanaman per luhang, varietas Bima-3 Bantimurung, Srikandi Kuning, Bisi-2. Dosis pupuk: 300 kg NPK Phonska, 300 kg Urea, dan dua t ha- pupuk kandang ayam. Hasil: varietas Bima-3 Bantimurung dan Srikandi Kuning memberikan pertumbuhan dan hasil terbaik dibanding Bisi-2. Penggunaan NPK Phonska dikombinasikan pupuk kandang ayam memberikan hasil jagung lebih tinggi daripada hasil jagung nasional dan Maluku, masing-masing 3,45 t ha-1 dan 2,30 t ha-1. Varietas hihrida Bima-3 Bantimurung memberikan rata-rata hasil pipilan kering tertinggi) dan tidak berbeda nyata dengan komposit Srikandi Kuning, tetapi berbeda nyata dengan hibrida Bisi-2. Bima 3 Bantimurung dan Srikandi Kuning sangat potensial dikembangkan pada lahan kering di Maluku karena selain hasilnya tinggi, Bima 3 Bantimurung merupakan jagung hibrida berbiomas tinggi dan tetap hijau sampai panen sehingga limbahnya dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pakan ternak, sedangkan Srikandi Kuning merupakan jagung komposit kaya protein sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai sumber pangan alternatif. Oleh: Sirappa Marthen Passang dan Rieuwpassa Alex Jakob (Assessment Institute for Agriculture Technology of Moluccas (Indonesian)). AGROS (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pertanian (Science Journal Of Agricultural Science)). Tahun 2013, Vol. 15(1) p. 36-43

It is imperative to have a better understanding of the effects of different flooding levels in paddy soils on changes in soil chemical properties, especially information on the N recovery and N mineralization when the rice straw is incorporated into soil as a source of soil organic matter under tropic conditions, such as in Metro, Lampung. A glasshouse study was carried out to determine the effects of different flooding levels (2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10.0 cm) on changes in carbon (C), nitrogen (N) contents and weight of rice straw incorporated into paddy soil. The treatments were arranged in a completely randomized block design with six replications. The results showed that C content of the rice straw at the beginning of the trial was 33-40 percent. These values decreased 2 weeks after flooding except for the flooding level of 10 cm the C content still decreased until 4 weeks after flooding. And then for all flooding levels the values tended to return to the initial values 8 weeks after flooding. Meanwhile, the N content at the beginning of the trial was 0.56-0.60 percent. The N contents for all flooding levels increased with increasing time of observation (1.34-1.48 percent). The C:N ratios for all flooding levels at the beginning of the trial greatly decreased until 2 weeks after flooding. Thereafter, the ratios decreased slightly until 8 weeks after flooding. Furthermore, flooding level of 2.5 cm gave the lowest weight of rice straw 8 weeks after flooding, whereas, flooding level of 10.0 cm gave the highest weight of rice straw, suggesting that the lesser the flooding level, the faster the litter decomposition rate. This confirms other findings that at the depth of 1-2 cm below water surface of a paddy field are all aerobic zone, where the litter decomposed most rapidly. Oleh: Rivaie Arivin A dan Isnaini Soni ( Assessment Institute for Agriculture Technology (AIAT-BPTP) – Maluku; Dharma Wacana Agricultural High School Lampung (Indonesian)). Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare. Tahun 2013, Vol.  3(5) p. 80-85

For the program towards the development of resistant cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) to the black pod rots disease caused by P palmivora, the diallel crossing analysis is expected can be used to provide genetic parameters on quantitative traits. The objective of the present study was to determine genetic parameters of cacao resistance to the disease caused by P palmivora, using half diallel crosses. The crosses used five cocoa clones as parental clones (ICCRI 3, TSH 858, DR 1, ICS 13. and Sca 6) having resistance levels from susceptible to resistant. The experiment was aranged in a Randomized Block Design with three replications. The treatments were 10 hybrids (F1) and 5 parental clones. Observation was conducted 3 days after inoculation to the spot area caused by P palmivora infection. The results showed that there was no interaction between genes in determining the resistance to black pod rots disease caused by P palmivora. The resistance was more affected by the additive gene action. Characters of resistant to the disease were controlled by the recessive genes. The results in the present study also showed that the dominant genes were more in the parents. It is expccted that the opportunity to produce cocoa hybrid owned by JCCRI 3 and Sca 6.Furthermore, the estimated value of broad sense heritability (h2BS) and narrow sense heritability (h2NS) was high for the spot area. whilc, based on the disease intensity it was moderate to high.  Oleh: Rubiyo and Rivaie Arivin A ( Indonesian Research Institute for Industrian and Beverage Crops of Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD); Assessment Institute for Agriculture Technology (AIAT-BPTP) – Maluku (Indonesian)). Jurnal of Biologi, Agriculture and Healthcare. Tahun 2013,  Vol. 3(3) p. 76-83

The evaluation of land resources potential in a region is an initial stage to produce the data or information of land resources, as a basic to determine the direction of agricultural development policy. The evaluation of land suitability research to support the food crops farming on dry land agriculture at Debut Village Kei Kecil Sub District Southeast Maluku District Maluku Province has been conducted since May until August 2008. The study aims to provide the data or information about land suitability to the of dryland crops development in the village Debut. This study used the rapid (quick assessment) to analyze the potential of the land resources in the field, including the preparation of land units map, fieldwork, and data processing. The land units map had been prepared with terrain analysis approach using Landform as a basic for preparing the land units, while landform classification refers to the criteria of Land form Classification Guidelines, LT 5 Version 3.0. Field research included the observation ofland and the environment, water resources and soil fertility, using a transect approach, which is determined based on consideration of the variation of landform, parent material, relief/slope, landuse, and accessible regions (good accessibility). Data processing includes field data correlated with data from the laboratory to complete the assessment of land suitability and soil fertility, and soil physics. The results of land suitability evaluation of some commodities showed that land can be developed for agricultural commodities in the Debut village area of 2.413 ha (91.90 percent), while the remaining area of 213 ha (8.10 percent) as a conservation area. Land area of 2.413 ha can be used for seasonal crops (upland rice, maize, cassava, and peanuts) area of 1.229 ha (50.93 percent), annual plants in the coast (coconut) covering 249 ha (10.32 percent) and annual plant (banana) intercropping with maize and peanuts covering 935 ha (38.75 percent). Oleh: Waas Edwen Donald dan Alfons Janes Berthy (Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Maluku (Indonesia)). Jurnal Budidaya Pertanian. Tahun 2013, Vol. 8(2)  p. 109-116

The assessment was conducted in Debowae village, Waeapo sub district, Buru district in planting season 2011 which aimed to determine the effect of three kinds of organic fertilizers on growth and yield of rice on sub-optimal land. The treatments were the use of three kinds of organic fertilizers derived from farmyard manure, organic granules, and petroganic. Each treatment was replicated 3 times (farmers as replicates). Dosage of organic fertilizer used was 3 t farmyard manure, 1 t organic fertilizer granules and 1 t ha-1 of petroganic fertilizer. The variety used was swamp rice var. Indragiri, obtained from the Rice Research Institute Sukamandi. Rice was cultivated with the technology of integrated crop management. Inorganic fertilizer used was 300 kg NPK Phonska and 200 kg urea ha-I , where half of the urea and all of NPK Phonska were given to the plants at the same time at 7 days after planting (dap), and the rest of the urea was given at 24 and 38 dap. Parameters measured were physical and chemical properties of soil, crop growth and yield components. The study results showed that the type of soil at the study site is Endoaquepts and the soil fertility status is low. The kinds of organic fertilizer that gave the best growth average and rice yield are petroganic, followed by organic granules and the lowest was manure. The average productivity of rice obtained by combining the application of the organic and inorganic fertilizers with the use of adaptive varieties for sub-optimal land ranged from 6.58 to 6.75 t ha-1, although generally there were no significant differences.  Oleh: Sirappa Marthen Passang dan Wahid (Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Maluku (Indonesia)). Jurnal Budidaya Pertanian. Tahun 2013, Vol. 8(2) p. 95-102

Study of the effectiveness of Slow Release Fertilizer (SRF) was conducted in Dua Limpoe village, Maniang Pajo subdistrict, Wajo district during Dry Season 2008. The aim was to know the effectiveness level of SRF-N (D & H) on growth and yield of lowland rice, and to obtain the fertilizer dosage of SRF-N (D & H) that gave the highest yield of lowland rice. Twelve treatments of SRF-N (D & H) were applied, in addition to recommendation dosage factor and farmer’s way. The experiment was arranged in a Randomized Block Design with three replications. Result of assessment indicated that SRF-N (D and H) significantly affected the growth and yield of lowland rice. Application of SRF-N type H with dosage 350 kg ha-I (two times applications), combined with SP-36 and KC1, 75 kg and 50 kg ha-1 respectively gave higher dry milled grain (7.43 t DMG ha-I ) compared to other treatments of SRF, followed by SRF-H 280 kg and SRF-D 500 kg ha-I (2 times application) combined with recommendation dosage of P and K, 7.17 t and 7.15 t DMG ha-1. Treatment of farmer’s way with dosage of Urea 300 kg, SP-36 100 kg ha-1, and KCI50 kg ha-1, gave highest dry milled grain (8.14 t DMG ha-1) compared to other treatments including recommendation dosage (7.65 t DMG ha-I ). Effectiveness of SRF-N type H with dosage 350 kg (two times applications) plus 75 kg SP-36 and 50 kg KCl ha-1 on grain yield was 0.97 times compared to recommendation. There was a need to study more ofSRF-H 350 kg and 280 kg ha-1, and SRF-H 500 kg ha-I (2 times application), combined with P and K recommendation on different location and planting season to obtain accurate data in order to provide the specific location fertilizer recommendation.  Oleh: Sirappa Marthen Passang dan Razak N. (Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Maluku; Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Sulawesi Selatan (Indonesia)). Jurnal Budidaya Pertanian. Tahun 2013, v. 8(2) p. 76-82